It is Saturday afternoon and I am sitting here to write something. There is a cup of hot coffee between me and the computer. The coffee helps me to wake up and gather my thoughts. Due to sleep appnea, I often get tired during the day. Therefore, I enjoy the hot drink in order to stay fit.
Paul also wrote about waking up in the Scriptures. He probably would not have had any idea how much more current his words are for us today. We just have to look around in the world, to realize that we have been living in the end times for quite some time now. The Lord could return at any moment.
Thus, it is certainly not a good idea to sleep away the time, thinking that we have a lot of time still. The words to an old song says:
Now is the time, now is the hour,
Today is gone, or even wasted,
Upon which it matters, when He returns
To be awake, should be the vision of today, to watch what is going on in the world around us and determine how we can build upon God's Kingdom.
Many of us need a kick in the butt, some only need a cup of coffee, and others get it right. Those who are asleep today, may miss out on the Lord's return and remain here whilst others are raptured into God's glory.
Are you ready for that which is to come?
Are you gathering treasures for heaven?
Have you woken up yet?
Seize the armor of light, and do combat against the darkness!
Be a beacon of light for your brothers and sisters.
I wish you a blessed day in these end times.