With what do you associate the term “desire” (lust)? Mostly, when one speaks about desire or desirous things, it concerns a bodily gratification: eating, drinking, sex or other things which makes me feel good. This normally concerns the four persons “I, me, mine and myself” - how best can I live out my urges and experience the most joy from it.
Desire is one of the most egocentric terms. Desire in fulfilment of urges centres on the self and is seen as such a lifestyle in the world.
Also in the Bible, the term desire is mentioned more than once. But here it is diametrically opposed to our present concept. In today's scripture it is about God's desire that us humans love one another and grow in the knowledge of God. Psalm 1 also concerns desire, namely the desire of God's law.
Both together concerns an inner gratification but the outflow of this gratification moves in completely opposite directions. The world's view is that I am the focus point, the Bible places the focus clearly on God and on other people.
The world often looks at you in a surprised or derogative manner, when you say (and live it out in your everyday life), that your core focus is on the love of God and other people. If you live in accordance with the will of God, your viewpoint changes from “me” to “you”, because we are in the world, but not of the world.
What are your desires? What satisfies your inner being?
Are you living the lifestyle of the world or with God as your Creator and Lord?
I wish you a blessed, desire-filled day