Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

5000 - a Second of Eternity

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8

5000 times the Daily-Message. Reason enough to stop for a moment and reflect upon the Lord:

We had the Daily-Message yesterday and have it today – but we won't need it any more in eternity. Unlike Jesus Christ, who has always been and will always be, our earthly life is limited. Only here, do we have the opportunity to be converted, only here do we have the opportunity to witness of our faith and bring others to salvation. After this life, only those who held to Him on earth will be there with Him in His eternity. Steadfast is one of the words which describe our Lord – and we should also be steadfast if we want to celebrate the Marriage feast of the Lamb – in eternity. Amen.

Rainer Gigerich

Well, the first shoes in size 12 with which I learned to run, were still small. I have added quite a few pairs in my walk through life. Over time, I have added many more pairs of shoes. And the laces always held longer than the shoes. 10 years for example. After the Camel Filter Advertising some, which literally had many miles on the clock, still remained in tact, just to then get a hole in them...on average they held only three months with the newspaper delivery route. But, I never walked alone, I was always aware of a Presence, which I couldn't see, however it was there. I knew where to find confidence. I also felt protected, uplifted, Jesus says: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I want such a bond. This is the way I will follow, regardless of how many shoes I need. Wherever Jesus leads, there we may follow.

Regina Schrimpf

The years are flying by, one day after the other, we change, we grow older. Today we think one way, tomorrow another, so we humans are. It is not so with God, He always remains the same. What He said at the beginning of the world, still remains. His actions and His doings are fixed forever in His Word. To know that, reassures me and gives me security. I need this stability in order to have trusting faith!

Rosemarie Schauer (Hojus)

True faith cannot go out of fashion. God's Spirit represents renewal, independent of timely truths in all walks of life, all ages and over and beyond all human circumstances. God is, as a Person, always the same and never changes, but His actions and sayings, leading and power and grace is new each day – also when we ourselves get older (2 Corinthians 4:16). Therefore we may always ask that the LORD shows and reveals the truth to us, and that our faith leads us unto all practical truth, and that we recognize God's will for our lives in all personal truths – every day! We would never have known anything about God, if God Himself didn't reveal to the believers then and today, with Whom we have to do, from whence we came and where we are going. In 1 John 5:20, we read: “And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.” It is HE of which was written: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever!” Amen.

Jörg Bauer

Yesterday: Your past – (sub)consciously with or without Jesus? Past – time that has passed. I look back, see happy and sad times. In the happy times Jesus was my Companion, in the sad times He carried me as a father would carry a child, if the child had no more strength or as the scripture: “As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you.” (Isaiah 66:13)
Today: I wake up and say thanks/am happy, that HE protected me throughout the night and will also do so throughout the day. Do you begin/do you walk in awareness of HIM/throughout the day?
Tomorrow: An uncertain time, which lays ahead of you. Events, which occur in your small, personal, professional life – also world events. I know/hope, that He will also be my Companion in the future, He will carry me when the path/the walk gets too hard. He will be my Comforter and my Giver of Hope. The greatest wish: Nothing will and nothing can separate me from HIM. Are you going into the future, aware of HIM? If not, have courage and try it, regardless of your past situations. There are definitely some Christians close to you, who want to and can be your human companion. HE promised: Jesus yesterday, today and forever.

Gundi Hornbruch

Jesus lives forever. He was yesterday, He is today, He will be tomorrow, yes, He will be forever. In Him our lives have purpose, obtain dignity, receive responsibility, become precious. People experienced Jesus Christ, our Lord. They were touched by Him. He uplifted them and healed them, agitated and moved them. In His presence they experienced and became aware of God, how He touched them and had time for them. In Jesus Christ we see who we are: people of eternal worth.

Joseph Gehr

When we talk to people about their opinions, viewpoints or feelings, we must take into account that these can change. In some cases it is sensible to change our opinion, as it, for example, may have been incorrect. With other things we should stand by what we said – for example our commitment to Jesus. With Jesus it is so, that He does not change. And it is a good thing, as He is already perfect! The connection with verse 9 makes it clear that this steadfastness of God helps us to become consistent in our faith. To my knowledge, it is possible in Islam, that an earlier revelation can be replaced with a new one. Something like that can make one uncertain as to which of the new things are in fact correct? As Christians, we can rely upon the fact that, that which was written in the Bible, remains and always will remain true – even if the situation changes and sometimes different Bible scriptures have to be applied to different situations. A Christian life is thereby also never boring, but a very living relationship!

Niklas Johannes Hoffmann

What a God, Who, despite our failings, since the beginning of time, stands by us, loves us, helps us succeed and carries us through all our hardships? The ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD, Who never changes, always acts out of love for us and gives us what we really need. Grace and mercy. Do we give Him the glory that He deserves and entrust our lives to HIM, for HE is immutable.

Armida Francini

I look out of the window. Changing weather, a sudden cloudburst with heavy rain, followed by bright sunlight. Yesterday still 20 degrees and today snow. One year we experienced a hot summer and periods of drought, the next year weeks of non-stop rain and floods. At the beginning of the 19th Century the volcano Tambora in Indonesia, South-Pacific erupted. The ash-rain spread throughout the entire globe and caused climate changes throughout Europe and America, leading to failed crops and famines. It was only discovered much later that the volcano eruption and the crop failure was linked (Tambora – the year without a summer). It is possible to explain many things scientifically, however, despite the best research methods, no-one can explain the origin of the earth. No-one can accurately calculate how the climate on earth will develop further, nor what influencing factors accelerates or slows down certain processes. No-one knows what will influence the world in a few months, what impact political decisions will have in the future. How fortunate it is that there is one solid foundation upon which we can rely: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.

Rolf Aichelberger

The same

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday:
Creator and Healer, Redeemer, Sustainer,
Helper of all brothers and sisters
Lord of the church, Life-Designer.

Jesus Christ, the same today:
Solid Foundation, Living Word,
Savior, who never regretted it
to die for us at the Place of the Skull.

Jesus Christ, the same forever
and throughout Eternity.
Wants to, in His glorious glory
prepare an eternal home for us.

Jonas Erne

Dearest Jesus, Eternal Lord, my Savior, my Sustainer, my Protector and Shield, my Helper and Prince of Peace, my Strength and Hope. Words cannot express, what You were, are and will be forever. Thank You, that this does not only apply to the world seasons, but also to me personally, to every single life. You were in our past, You are in our present, and are most certainly in our future. You are there every moment, with open arms and a heart filled with love and compassion. In this manner You reveal the Father to us and secure in Your heart we can experience a glimmer of eternity, breathing in Your Presence, sensing Your heartbeat.

T. G.

(Translated by Linda Gates)


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Zur deutschen Originalversion: 5000 - eine Sekunde der Ewigkeit

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