We all know about the incident at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. Here our LORD began His public works with a sign. HE made the best quality wine out of approximately 600 litres of water! John, in his gospel, presents the LORD as – the Son of GOD. (Matthew as King, Mark as Servant, Luke as man). Mary addressed our LORD with regard to the predicament of the bridegroom who ran out of wine. I don't want to elaborate further on the miracle, but on the last words of Mary in the Bible: “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it!”
Let's be practical. Is this not a wonderful direction of Mary to the beginning of the public service and works of our Lord Jesus? He revealed Himself – as this scarlet thread runs through the Gospel of John – as the Son of GOD. Firstly, the command of our LORD was to fill the water-pots, which were destined for purification, with water. - Do we always do that which our LORD tells us? Do we not often follow our own ways and have our own plans? Do we always obey the Word of GOD, especially in the times we are living in, where so much is questioned!? (2 Timothy 3).
Secondly, we see the faith of the servants at this wedding. Would they not have been unbelievably embarrassed if the water, which they brought to the governor of foods, had remained water? It however turned out to be an excellent wine! They certainly did not understand it. And we, do we not want to commence this day with a believing and obedient heart? “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it!”
That is my wish for you all!