Everyone actually knows the saying from the car advertisement: “Nothing is impossible...” However, hardly anyone knows that this saying, as many others, originate from the Bible. It is found in Luke 1:37.
You should, especially during the Advent season, read the scriptures in verse 26 to 38. It is the story about an angel who comes to Mary, to announce to her that she is going to conceive and give birth to Jesus. This story about the virgin birth is difficult to believe today. But, I have just read a survey in which approximately a quarter of Germans still believe it. I form part of those who believe it.
With God it is not as with men. With us, only that which we can see, have evidence for, or that which is scientifically proven, is said to be correct and possible. But God stands above our natural science – He created it for us, but He Himself is not confined thereto, as in the case with Mary who became pregnant without human intervention.
Nothing is impossible with God!
This is also the reason why we should, may and can pray. That which is impossible for us, we can bring to God in prayer. Our sadness, our problems, our anxieties can be prayerfully brought before Jesus. At that point where we don't know any further, God's possibilities only commence.
What miracles do you need today?
I wish you a blessed day with our Almighty God.