In the Gospel of Matthew there are seven end time lessons. These are parables. The above scripture is about young women, of whom some were tired, others were not watchful, and some were there, but were not really present and ready. There are certainly many questions pertaining to this. It is however clear that it concerns one of the most important events in the life of a Christian: The return of Jesus Christ (the rapture)! What does the Bible mean, in this context, with regard to foolishness? When a Christian does not reach out to that which is spiritual, but rather lives in accordance with the flesh, then he is ill-prepared. This concerns both the spiritual life in general as well as the return of Jesus. We can rely on the fact that foolishness reigns in the flesh. It is also foolishness to rely upon secular wisdom, upon our own understanding, upon our natural lineage, our riches, influence, gifts and talents, relationships, the Church maybe, the sacraments, the humanistic good of mankind etc. But, are these the characteristics of a person who believes in the forgiveness of sin, in the cross of Calvary and the crucified Son of God – and this purely through God's grace? I think this is what the parable of the ten virgins is essentially about. Therefore, not that one can lose one's salvation, when one is truly born again. In my opinion, one cannot. It is the power of God which transforms a man's dead heart of stone into a living heart of flesh which is able to have faith and love God. It is about a life of faith, truth, watchfulness and power through the Holy Spirit. It is not about pragmatism, but about relationship.
Not all the virgins had a relationship with the sacrificed Lamb of God. Watchfulness also means that which is written in Ephesians 5:15-17 “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” In this context we should be well prepared, because HE will come at an hour of which we are not aware (Matthew 24:50). Lamps need oil to illuminate. Oil is the personal love relationship which we need to have with Jesus. It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, who enables this love-relationship. Let us ask ourselves: Is the grace of God really important to us, or is it merely the means to an end? Is humility and gratitude genuine consequences of faith? Are we perhaps Sunday-Christians? Do we utilize the Holy Spirit to get to know and love God more? Do we treat one another with love? Can we forgive each other fully? Are we eagerly awaiting the return of Jesus? Pragmatism is the hallmark of secular believers, who don't take everything seriously, nor await Jesus' return, and are actually still convinced to be found guilty, corrupt, lost and yet loved by God. It is not important to them – not important enough. They are foolish and unprepared.