We often hear politicians say that we, as Christians, should steer clear from politics with our faith. Mostly, these statements are only made when our faith contradicts the current political goals, such as the topic of “marriage for all”. In other cases, politicians are keen to fall back on Christianity when it corresponds to their vision.
However, when it concerns terrorist acts by Islamic followers, politicians are almost always in agreement: that it has nothing to do with their faith.
How is this then? Are believers also political beings? Or does the one have nothing to do with the other? When we read our Bible, we find the instruction by God, to subdue the world. This is a highly political instruction, is it not? We also find, in many political parties, Christians who are committed to environmental conservation. However, they vary on many of the other statements of the Bible, saying that they don't apply to our time and must be read in a historical context.
So, can one apply the Bible to politics – or not?
When we read through the eschatology (concerning end times) books of the Bible, especially the Book of Daniel and also Revelation, we find many passages which report on what the end of the world and the end of mankind will look like. In many respects we find similarities with our present situation, whether it be environmental catastrophes, dictators, or the rejection of God and His moral perceptions.
Does this mean that we, as Christians, should take a back-seat, since God has predicted all of this? I think we find ourselves in a very conflicted situation here. But, God never said that, when we see signs of end times, we should abstain from getting involved.
Even today still, God's instruction to spread His Word, to make disciples and to subdue the world, still applies. And nevertheless we know that everything will happen as God predicted. Our faith will not be able to save the entire world any more, however we still need to help, so that not all of humanity come to such a bad end.
In many countries today, Christians are being persecuted for their faith and are suffering because of it. It is not so bad by us yet, however, we are in the world, but not of the world. Our true home is with God, in His eternal glory, Who was, Who is and Who is to come?
Today, more than every, it is vital to take a stand for God and for God's Word, because none of us know the exact time and the exact hour when Jesus will return to us to reign as King.
At the latest then, the question will be asked: On what side did you stand and are you still standing?
I wish you a blessed day at the side of our God.