Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

Money rules the world

“And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are.”

1 Corinthians 1:28

What counts in this world? Money, power, honour, success are things which most people strive for. When one is able to utilise it correctly, it is not necessarily a bad thing to have.

The problem is however, that many people have chosen these “values” as the entire purpose and goal of their lives. Their entire purpose has become to make more money and have more power in this world. They don’t think about how temporary these things can be in life, and especially when they leave this earth, because with God all these things have no meaning whatsoever.

One can certainly accomplish a lot of good with a lot of money. With a lot of power one can eventually improve the living conditions of other people. However, those who strive for it, mostly have other purposes and in most instances only consider themselves as the focal point.

In Matthew 23:11 we read: ''But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.'' With God, the world’s values are reversed. That which is considered inferior and meaningless to the world, counts with Him. Whoever exalts himself, has already received his reward and will be humbled before God.

Only when we serve our fellow-men with all we have, when we place the needy above our needs, then it becomes of eternal significance. These are then eternal values that give meaning beyond our earthly lives.

This also doesn’t mean that when we own something, we are not allowed to treat ourselves from time to time. However, we must love our neighbours (Mark 12:31) as ourselves!

When we are governed by this, we are no longer controlled by the money of the world, but rather by fellowship with our neighbours. And then we will also one day rule the world with Jesus. Because He will take over the ruler-ship of the world one day, and will steer it in accordance with His example.

What is the meaning and purpose of your life?

I wish you a blessed day, aligned in accordance with this goal!

(Translated by Linda Gates)


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Zur deutschen Originalversion: Geld regiert die Welt

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