Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

Way and Goal!

“For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.”

Romans 14:8

The dart player has one goal: the bulls-eye, the centre of the dartboard. The runner has one goal: it concerns 100, 400 or more metres. The gambler on his mobile phone has one goal: to top the high score on the list...

With sport and with games the endgame is mostly to reach the specified goals. However in the norm, in real-life, most people walk around aimlessly. The only thing they live for is the next weekend or the next holiday. “Goal” is a foreign term for many people.

Is that not also why many fear ageing and death? In their senseless lives it is irrelevant, what difference does it make whether I live aimlessly or die aimlessly?

In today’s scripture, Paul in his letter to the Romans, show us the way out of this futile way of life: a life for and towards the Lord!

As Christians we know that our earthly life is not everything, for thereafter it really starts – and indeed in eternity! Does that not give purpose and a goal for life!?!? Here on earth I prepare myself for that which is to come. My way of life gives me purpose in life and the love of Christ is the goal I strive for.

If everything ended with death, I would also not have a purpose. Then we would be mere specks of dust in eternity. However, because of Jesus we are God’s beloved children, who have time and eternity before us.

I don’t need sport or games to have a goal! Jesus is my purpose and my goal!

What are your goals?

I wish you a blessed day on the way to your goal!

(Translated by Linda Gates)


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Zur deutschen Originalversion: Weg und Ziel

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